Tron legacy soundtrack full hd
Tron legacy soundtrack full hd

tron legacy soundtrack full hd

While The Grid matches the film's very first sequence with the cavernous voice of Jeff Bridges (who appeared in the first film), the other pieces on the record are purely instrumental. Made in 3D, Tron: Legacy is the sequel to Tron which was released 28 years earlier and produced by Disney.


This is accentuated even further by their handling of the score both in and off the Grid.Purchase and download this album in a wide variety of formats depending on your needs. Because of that, there’s much to be praised about the overall product that's on display when the film and music are joined together.


While you’ll often have many movie soundtracks difficult to listen to without the accompaniment of their visual counterpart, the same can’t be said for the work Daft Punk did for Tron: Legacy. The music of Tron: Legacy is still obviously in the minds of many, and apparently even Daft Punk themselves, as they recently released an extended soundtrack featuring their score, 10 years after the film’s initial release. The sound of the light cycles speeding by set to the work of Daft Punk helps create a sense of immersion in the Grid that’s truly impressive to see on a scale this large.

tron legacy soundtrack full hd


After 10+ years now out in the world, their soundtrack still acts as the perfect marriage of visuals and music when it comes to memorable cinematic experiences, and its revitalization of the Grid and the series itself is one of its biggest feats.

tron legacy soundtrack full hd

Nowadays, with the Tron franchise primarily out of many moviegoers' minds (this may soon change with the Shanghai Disneyland ride finally making its way stateside), if you were to ask any fan about its sequel, chances are one of the first things they'd mention is the soundtrack by Daft Punk. Based on aesthetic alone, the decision to involve Daft Punk in a Tron film shouldn’t be all that surprising, but with Kosinski’s earlier track record, the trio’s collaboration ended up being the perfect match. As it happens, that ad was directed by Kosinski. For any fans of games during the mid-2000s, you’d know of the ad for Gears of War featuring Gary Jules and Michael Andrews' cover of Tears for Fears' 'Mad World’. Kosinski’s lone directing credit before Tron: Legacy was a major milestone in the video game industry, primarily when it came to advertising. If you actually look at his credits, it actually shouldn’t be that big of a shock with him at the helm when you find out that his earlier project is one of the most memorable in its medium. It being Kosinski’s directorial debut is a fact that’s really surprising, as there’s a clear vision with his direction for a film on such a massive scale, and in the end, it's able to compliment the overall feel that the score delivers. Though the story might falter in a number of places, the fact that the movie works as well as it does is quite the feat. The truth is that for a lot of people, this movie was something that they’d been waiting decades for. It’s easy to look at the reviews and overall reception to the film and come to the conclusion that for many, Tron: Legacy could just be considered an extended Daft Punk music video. A musical group composed of a robot helmet-wearing electronic duo collaborating on a technologically pushing boundary IP that is Tron almost seems too good to be true, yet the end result speaks for itself. This perfect marriage only continues as we see our hero enter this new world, as the already almost otherworldly sounds that Daft Punk creates on their own individual projects end up translating to the film as perfectly as one could imagine. This is all set to "The Son of Flynn," one of the standout tracks in the entire movie. It's here where we're introduced to Garrett Hedlund, as he drives his motorcycle through the city streets, a nice parallel to his later interactions on a Light Cycle. Even in the moments outside the Grid, for as few as they are, shine as the cityscape scenes are some of the most visually arresting that the film has to offer. Tron: Legacy was released nearly one year to the day after the original Avatar, and for many, it stands as one of the few other truly great 3D experiences. RELATED: 'Tron: Legacy’ Director Cites Marvel and Star Wars as Reason He Never Made ‘Tron 3’

Tron legacy soundtrack full hd